ook_ anders

They are ook_ [reinaart vanhoe, Neue Brüderkirch Espora, BPOC Festival Kassel, me_sobat, Colorlabor, graanschuur Tarwewijk, Elaine W. Ho, Bartira, Wok The Rock, COLLECTive, k. Format, Take-A-Way, Plan B, Dynamitas unlimited, …]
ook_ is a group of friends and neighbours who live in Kassel, Rotterdam and elsewhere in the world. They were both visitors and participants of documenta fifteen. In reference to ruruhuis (SONSBEEK 2016 Arnhem) they try to challenge the mode of production of contemporary art institutions. They do this by facilitating meaningful and proactive encounters that arise from the different needs, perspectives and energy that people bring. In doing so, they aim to strengthen an understanding of common sense and advocacy