Opening Physical Fiction
Come and be fascinated by Physical Fiction in Garage Rotterdam. You are cordially invited to the opening of Physical Fiction on 2 September 2016, 20.00 hrs, with the poetic performance ‘Pool Made of Mirrors, by artist and writer Annee Grøtte Viken (NO, 1984).
Contours and shapes, patches and fragments. Using the human body as their anchor, eight visual artists play with narrative and representation in the group exhibition Physical Fiction.
Whereas some artists see the body as a tool, others consider the artwork to be a character. Everyday images become part of unrecognisable scenes, while mysterious titles hint at a storyline. In a number of different ways, these works of art move between concrete reality and the intangible realm of imagination and association.
With Jakup Auce, Gwenneth Boelens, Helen Dowling, Amélie Grözinger, Rachel de Joode, Megan Rooney, Kate Steciw and Nora Schultz.
Curator: Yasmijn Jarram