Becoming Stones: Table for Yeom One (2024)

In Korean, 염원 (念願: Yeom One) is untranslatable into English. It summarizes a profound sentiment, surpassing mere desires, wishes or hopes. The word embodies a fervent longing, deeply rooted in the psyche, shaping human perception and actions. 

The concept of Yeom One is particularly resonant among the islanders of Jeju (South Korea), reflecting the admiration for the Goddess of the sea and wind. On Jeju Island, this admiration manifests in approximately 40 shamanic rituals – held across coastal villages from New Year’s Day until the end of February in the lunar calendar. The Jeju Special Self Governing Province financially supports these rituals as it’s their living tradition. 

The production of these rituals involves the participation of Haenyeo: the diving women of Jeju and various setting of the table to the Goddess. These visual portrayals of different set of tables by different simbang (Jeju shamans) manifests the intimate connection between the people of Jeju, their spiritual beliefs and the nature. It is a moving testament to their unwavering devotion and the enduring legacy of their cultural heritage.