(Studio) Lon Luna 

The interdisciplinary artist Lon Luna (1989, the Netherlands) explores the intersections of food, activism, identity, and community. In 2016, Lon Luna earned her BA in Fine Arts from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, specializing in the dynamics between public and private space. She graduated with her installation Chicken Dinner, in which humans and chickens shared a 3 course meal, questioning relationships between animals and humans. In 2021, she completed her MFA in Fine Arts at Chiang Mai University, Thailand, with My House is My Home, a project reflecting on her Dutch identity and the concept of home.

Her work has been exhibited internationally, with a strong presence in both Thailand and the Netherlands, ranging from museum exhibitions, to group performances and community-driven art projects. She gained experience in community art during her BA through internships in Bandung and Yogyakarta, Indonesia and by living in a community in Rotterdam. Her MFA studies strengthened her engagement with the personal and private space, while working with renowned Thai artist Mit Jai Inn, focussing on meditative painting techniques and by taking part in the Chiang Mai Performance Art Group, a collective focused on activism, happenings and the body as a communicative tool.

With an emphasis on food as a connector, Lon Luna’s practice creates spaces for sharing experiences, storytelling, and exchange. Her work brings people together, inviting them to reconsider the ways in which food and rituals shape identity and belonging.